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  • Personal

    Name: Julia Bacskai-Atkari

    Born: 1980s

    Nationality: German

    Marital status: married

    Hometown: Berlin

    Lives in: Berlin & Amsterdam


    2021: Habilitation, University of Potsdam; title: The syntax of functional left peripheries: Clause typing in West Germanic and beyond; date of scientific lecture colloquium: 8 December 2021; committee: Prof. Dr. Gisbert Fanselow, Prof. Dr. Malte Zimmermann, Prof. Dr. Manfred Stede, Prof. Dr. Guido Nottbusch, Dr. Mira Grubic, Maximilian Wiesner; reviewers: Prof. Dr. Gisbert Fanselow, Prof. Dr. Augustin Speyer, Dr. Federica Cognola

    2014: Doctoral degree (Dr. phil.) in linguistics, University of Potsdam; title: The syntax of comparative constructions: Operators, ellipsis phenomena and functional left peripheries; result: summa cum laude; date of defence: 25 February 2014; committee: Prof. Dr. Gisbert Fanselow, Prof. Dr. István Kenesei, Prof. Dr. Malte Zimmermann, Dr. Luis Vicente, Prof. Dr. Ralf Engbert

    2018: Doctoral degree (Dr. phil.) in literary studies, University of Hamburg; title: The narrative properties of the 19th-century verse novel: Reflexive structure, intertextuality and generic history; result: magna cum laude; date of defence: 27 June 2018; committee: Prof. Dr. Beáta Wagner-Nagy, Dr. habil István Margócsy, Prof. Dr. Christian Brockmann

    Accreditaion in higher education didactics

    2024: "University Teaching Qualification" (Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs, BKO), University of Amsterdam


    2022–: Assistant professor (Universitair docent) "Language Contact: (English) Linguistics", University of Amsterdam, Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures

    2022–: Privatdozentin, University of Potsdam, Department of Linguistics

    2022: Research fellow (Akademische Mitarbeiterin), University of Konstanz, Department of Linguistics (DFG-project, Principal Investigator)

    2021–2022: Interim professor (Vertretungsprofessorin), part-time, University of Konstanz, Department of Linguistics, replacing Prof. Dr. George Walkden (chair "English linguistics and general linguistics")

    2020–2021: Interim professor (Vertretungsprofessorin), University of Konstanz, Department of Linguistics, replacing Prof. Dr. George Walkden (chair "English linguistics and general linguistics")

    2018–2020: Interim professor (Vertretungsprofessorin), University of Konstanz, Department of Linguistics, substituting the vacant chair "English linguistics"

    2015–2018: Research fellow (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), University of Potsdam, Department of Linguistics (DFG-project, Principal Investigator)

    2014: Research fellow (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), replacing Dr. Luis Vicente, University of Potsdam, Department of Linguistics

    2013–2015: Research fellow (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), University of Potsdam, Department of Linguistics (SFB-632, Project Z)

    2012–2013: PhD scholarship holder in the project A1 of the SFB-632, University of Potsdam, Department of Linguistics

    Training in higher education

    2024–: certificate programme "Mastery in Course Design", University of Amsterdam

    2024–: certificate programme "University Teaching Brandenburg" (Hochschullehre Brandenburg), University of Potsdam

    2022–2024: certificate programme "University Teaching Qualification" (Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs, BKO), University of Amsterdam

    2021–2022: courses completed in the certificate programme "Baden-Württemberg certificate for university didactics" (Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik), University of Konstanz

    Research projects (as principal investigator)

    2022: Asymmetries in relative clauses in West Germanic (DFG-project: BA 5201/2; ca. 307.790 EUR)

    2015–2018: The syntax of functional left peripheries and its relation to information structure (DFG-project: BA 5201/1; ca. 257.500 EUR)

    Participation in further projects

    2012–2015: as a scholarship holder (and beyond within the SFB) affiliated (primarily) with the project "The syntactic expression of information structure and the architecture of grammar" (Project A1, SFB-632: Information structure: The linguistic means for structuring utterances, sentences and texts), led by: Gisbert Fanselow and Luis Vicente (University of Potsdam)

    2012–2013: as a scholarship holder affiliated (secondarily) with the project "The role of information structure in language change" (Project B4, SFB-632: Information structure: The linguistic means for structuring utterances, sentences and texts), led by: Karin Donhauser and Svetlana Petrova (Humboldt-University Berlin)


    German (dominant language), English, Dutch, Italian, French

    Scholarships, acknowledgements

    2021: DFG Research grant (BA 5201/2) [link]

    2015: DFG Research grant (BA 5201/1) [link]

    2015: Best graduate of the academic year 2013/2014 at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Potsdam

    2013: Best Paper Prize, Second Central European Conference in Linguistics for postgraduate Students (CECIL’S 2), Piliscsaba, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Theoretical Linguistics, 24–25 August 2012; title of the paper: The Diachronic System of the Left Periphery of Subordinate Clauses in Hungarian

    2012–2013: PhD research scholarship, University of Potsdam, Integrated Graduate School (SFB-632)

    Courses taught

    Click here


    Click here

    Exam committees

    2021–2022: Examiner for the oral exam M.Ed. English (University of Konstanz)


    2023–: Mediator for doctoral students in the Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication (University of Amsterdam)


    Click here


    Click here


    Bacskai-Atkari, Julia (2022) Clause typing in Frisian: A questionnaire and its results. [link] [pdf]

    Bacskai-Atkari, Julia (2022) Clause typing in Afrikaans: A questionnaire and its results. [link] [pdf]

    Bacskai-Atkari, Julia & Lisa Baudisch (2018) Clause typing in Germanic: A questionnaire and its results. [link] [pdf]


    Click here


    2022–: Section editor for Open Linguistics

    Organising conferences

    2024: with Enoch O. Aboh & Suzanne Aalberse: Turkish in Contact, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, 27–28 March 2024 [link]


    2024–: Member of the programme committee for the MA programs "Linguistics", Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam

    2024: Member of the doctoral committee for the doctoral examination procedure of Arsène Kengne Cenny, Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam

    2024: Member of the selection committee for the postdoctoral position "Multilingual Language Processing: Case studies in Belize and Benin", Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication (ACLC), University of Amsterdam

    2015–2016: Member of the search committee for the junior professorship (W1) "Variation and Variability in Grammatical Systems", Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam

    2015–2016: Member of the habilitation committee of Dr. Luis Vicente, Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam

    Further administrative tasks

    2023–: webpage officer for the discipline "English" (University of Amsterdam)

    2020–2022: recognition of study achievements for outgoing students of the MA program "English linguistics" and for English linguistics courses in the teacher education programme (University of Konstanz)

    2014: transfer from another program or location and recognition of study achievements for the B.Sc. program "Linguistics" (University of Potsdam)


    2019–: Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS)

    2016–: Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW)

    2016–: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS)

    2012–: Philological Society (PhilSoc)

    Computer skills

    Operating system: Windows (10, 11)

    Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook)

    OpenOffice (Writer, Impress)

    Typesetting (LaTeX, Word)

    Basic webdesign (HTML with CSS)

    Linguistic tools: Praat, SoSci Survey, L-Rex

    Statistical software: R

    Scientific search (searching in catalogues and on the internet)


    Literature – reading, writing prose

    Language learning, language teaching

    Classical music, playing classical music (violin, viola)

    Fine arts

    Baking, cooking

    Dogs (with special focus on dachshunds)

    Turtles (with special focus on graptemys and pseudemys)
